Effective exam preparation requires strategy. Good tutors provide valuable exam techniques and practice, enabling students to approach tests with a clear plan and mindset. This strategic preparation is crucial for success in high-stakes environments like the 11+ exams.
We specialize in fully personalised tutoring plans, crafted from an initial detailed onboarding session. Our tutors bring tailored strategies in English and Maths, ensuring every student’s unique needs are met. Expect significant improvements from the first lesson, enhanced by our specialised biweekly masterclasses.
Our approach begins with a thorough onboarding process involving both the parent and child, which helps us to understand the student's specific academic challenges. Following this, we conduct assessments in English and Maths to craft a completely customised 16-week learning plan, focusing on areas that need the most improvement.
When you join us, we will do a comprehensive analysis of your strengths and areas for improvement. Our resources are extensive and up-to-date, including customised study materials and practice exams. We're also responsive to specific requests, creating new resources within a week if needed. In tandem with this, we offer bi-weekly masterclasses which aim to elevate your learning to that next level in a time-efficient way so we can accelerate your learning!
Press the button and sign up for a free onboarding meeting! This will help us completely understand your child's needs so that we can partner them up with a tutor who can help them get to where they need to be!